Toes Stepped on?
I had a couple of agitated phone calls from my last blog. I did not intend to imply any wrong doing, but wanted to simply ask for an open mind from some of our educators. One took offense that I was indicating someone was selfish in regards to keeping kids form the joy of skiing/boarding. Selfish in what way???? Was I saying that your coaching record took precidence over letting kids have freedom to choose activities that interest them........ activities by the way that are healthy recreation activities that can be enjoyed for a lifetime? If some feathers were ruffled..... so be it and maybe the need ruffled.
Anyway, too many people still associate skiing and broken legs as partners. That is thinking that goes way back to the 70's. Modern technology has taking skiing out of the dark ages. New bindings are incredible steps forward in the safety arena. Shaped skis now make it easier to ski safely. And speaking of skiing safely..... those who have taken a couple lessons quickly fall inot the statistical category where injuries are rare. More accidents per thousand happen in your own home.
Enjoy the weeknd.........ed
Anyway, too many people still associate skiing and broken legs as partners. That is thinking that goes way back to the 70's. Modern technology has taking skiing out of the dark ages. New bindings are incredible steps forward in the safety arena. Shaped skis now make it easier to ski safely. And speaking of skiing safely..... those who have taken a couple lessons quickly fall inot the statistical category where injuries are rare. More accidents per thousand happen in your own home.
Enjoy the weeknd.........ed